Neighborhood Plan

The North West Boise Neighborhood Plan is a tool for the City of Boise and the North West Neighborhood Association to collaboratively determine the future of our neighborhood.
The North West Boise Neighborhood Plan is a tool for the City of Boise and the North West Neighborhood Association to collaboratively determine the future of our neighborhood.
The full-color, 38-page booklet plus Appendices includes historical and statistical information about the neighborhood, as well as the process used for community engagement. This information formed the five interconnected components of our vision, goals, planning and design principles, strategies, and specific implementation actions to preserve our open spaces, the natural environment, and the cultural and historical significance of this region.
The full-color, 38-page booklet plus Appendices includes historical and statistical information about the neighborhood, as well as the process used for community engagement. This information formed the five interconnected components of our vision, goals, planning and design principles, strategies, and specific implementation actions to preserve our open spaces, the natural environment, and the cultural and historical significance of this region.